
Kathleen Van Ella, Founder
203 Northgate Box 303
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 USA
Phone 312.485.3030
A Salute … to these fine painters and sculptors who have left their mark with us over the years.
William T. Chambers
Armin Meersman
Gay Riseborough
Jim Pollard
Weiliang Zhao
Michael Croyden
Margot McMahon
Lothar Sanchez-Speer
Anna Koh Varilla
Jeffrey Hanson Varilla
In Memoriam …
Grace Cole
Anne Fordtran Flynn
Alan Lane Gass
Franklin McMahon
Helen March
Alex Mitchell
Celeste Spransy
Portraits/Chicago Inc. is proud of its 40 year history …
as ever, we look to our next opportunity to bring beauty, honor and
spirit into our world through meaningful Art.
Thank you to our Friends, Clients and Artists …